Manufacturing and processing technology
Major Research Findings (Submitted papers)
- Dec. 2023
Effective hopping with blends containing Sorachi Ace
BRAUWELT International, 41(VI), 376-379. / Kiyoshi Takoi, Atsushi Tanigawa, Ayako Sanekata
- Nov. 2023
Interesting Behavior of Geranic Acid during Beer Brewing Process: Why Could Geranic Acid Remain at Higher Level only in the Beer using Sorachi Ace Hops?
J. Agric. Food Chem., 71(47), 18489-18498. / Ayako Sanekata, Atsushi Tanigawa, Kiyoshi Takoi, Youichi Tsuchiya
- Oct. 2023
Unique characteristics of geranic acid derived from Sorachi Ace hops
BRAUWELT International, 41(V), 298-301. / Kiyoshi Takoi, Atsushi Tanigawa, Ayako Sanekata
- Aug. 2023
Hopfengabe mit Sortenmischungen
BRAUWELT, 163(33), 825-828. / Kiyoshi Takoi, Atsushi Tanigawa, Ayako Sanekata
- Jul. 2023
Besondere Eigenschaften der Geransäure im im Sorachi Ace hopfen,
BRAUWELT, 163(29), 710-713. / Kiyoshi Takoi, Atsushi Tanigawa, Ayako Sanekata
- Dec. 2022
Hypothesis of synergy between Sorachi Ace-derived geranic acid and various flavour compounds contributing to characteristic beer aroma.
BrewingScience, 75(Nov / Dec), 120–132 / Atsushi Tanigawa, Ayako Sanekata, Kiyoshi Takoi, Koji Takazumi, Ichiro Matsumoto, Yasuyuki Nakayama
- Oct. 2022
The influence of foam membrane strength on head retention
BRAUWELT International, 40(V), 330-332. / Kiyoshi Takoi
- Aug. 2022
Factors influencing beer head retention
BRAUWELT International, 40(IV), 236-239. / Kiyoshi Takoi
- Aug. 2022
Schaumstabilität von Bier, Teil 2: Der Einfluss des Schaumhaftvermögens
BRAUWELT, 162(33), 832-834. / Kiyoshi Takoi
- Aug. 2022
Schaumstabilität von Bier, Teil 1: Faktoren der Schaumhaltbarkeit und Schaumanalyseverfahren
BRAUWELT, 162(32), 794-797. / Kiyoshi Takoi
- Jun. 2022
Effect of “Late Harvest” of Hops (Humulus lupulus L.) on the Contents of Volatile Thiols in Furano Beauty, Furano Magical, and Cascade Varieties
J. Agric. Food Chem., 70(2), 607-614 / Mitsuhiro Uemoto*, Kiyoshi Takoi, Atsushi Tanigawa, Koji Takazumi, Kensuke Ogushi, Koichiro Koie, and Narushi Suda
- Jan. 2021
Influence of hop bitter acids and their derivatives on beer foam stability evaluated using customer-oriented Foam Collapse Time (FCT) method
BrewingScience, 74(Nov / Dec), 141–150 / Kiyoshi Takoi
- Apr. 2021
Do branched chain fatty acids invariably produce off-flavours?
Brauwelt International, 39(II), 74-77 / Kiyoshi Takoi
- Aug. 2020
On the Fate of Hop-Derived Branched-Chain Fatty Acids in Beers
Brauwelt International, 38(IV), 242-246. / Kiyoshi Takoi -
Verzweigtkettige Fettsäuren: Verursachen sie immer einen Fehlgeschmack?
Brauwelt, 160(30-31), 790-793. / Kiyoshi Takoi
- Jul. 2020
Was geschieht mit den verzweigtkettigen Fettsäuren in Bier?
Brauwelt, 160(27), 727-731. / Kiyoshi Takoi
- Jun. 2020
Behavior of hop-derived flavor compounds during beer production and their contribution to the varietal aroma of 'flavor hop'.
Hop Flavor and Aroma (Proceedings of the 2nd International Brewers Symposium) , pp 119–138 / Kiyoshi Takoi
- Dec. 2019
Behaviour of hop-derived branched-chain fatty acids during fermentation and their sensory effect on hopped beer flavours
BrewingScience, 72(Nov / Dec), 196–206 / Kiyoshi Takoi
- Oct. 2019
"Flavor Hops" varieties and various flavor compounds contributing to their "Varietal Aromas": A review
MBAA Technical Quarterly, 56(4), 113-123. / Kiyoshi Takoi
- Jun.2019
On the Fate of Hop-Derived Branched-Chain Esters
Brauwelt International, 37(III), 186-192. / Kiyoshi Takoi
- Apr. 2019
New classification of geraniol-rich hops
Brauwelt International, 37(II), 130-136. / Kiyoshi Takoi -
Was geschieht mit den verzweigten Estern des Hopfens?
Brauwelt, 159(14), 391-399.. / Kiyoshi Takoi
- Mar. 2019
Neue Klassifizierung von Hopfen mit hohen Geraniolgehalten
Brauwelt, 159(11), 299-305. / Kiyoshi Takoi
- Dec. 2018
Behaviour of hop-derived branched-chain esters during fermentation and unique characteristics of Huell Melon and Ekuanot (HBC366) hops
BrewingScience, 71(Nov / Dec), 100–109 / Kiyoshi Takoi
- Dec. 2017
Systematic analysis of behaviour of hop-derived monoterpene alcohols during fermentation and new classification of geraniol-rich flavour hops
BrewingScience, 70(Nov / Dec), 177–186 / Kiyoshi Takoi
- Oct. 2017
Synergies between Hop-Derived Flavour Compounds
Brauwelt International, 35(V), 359-362 / Kiyoshi Takoi
- Aug. 2017
Blend-Hopping Based on Scientific Evidence
Brauwelt International, 35(IV), 262-264 / Kiyoshi Takoi -
Synergien zwischen hopfenbasierten Aromastoffen
Brauwelt, 157(34), 969-973. / Kiyoshi Takoi
- Jul. 2017
Hopfenblends -wissenschaftlich erforscht
Brauwelt, 157(27-28), 783-787. / Kiyoshi Takoi
- Jan. 2017
Diferencias en los compuestos aromáticos del lúpulo en cervezas lupuladas en frio
Brauwelt En Español ,21(1/17), 24-29. / Kiyoshi Takoi
- Dec. 2016
Control of Hop Aroma lmpression of Beer with Blend-Hopping using Gerani-rich Hop and New Hypothesis of Synergy among HOP-derived Flavour Compounds
BrewingScience, 69(Nov / Dec), 85-93 / Kiyoshi Takoi -
Die Suche nach dem Sortenaroma
Brauwelt, 156(48-49), 1445–1449. / Kiyoshi Takoi
- Aug. 2016
Varietal difference of hop-derived flavour compounds in dry-hopped beers
Brauwelt International, 34(IV), 234-239 / Kiyoshi Takoi
- May. 2016
Construction and Demonstration of a standardized HOP Boiled water Extraction Method and its application for a sensory Evaluation system of HOP Aroma characteristics
Journal of the American Society of Brewing Chemists, 74(3), 183-190 / Koichiro Koie
- Feb. 2016
Varietal difference of hop-derived flavour compounds in late-hopped/dry-hopped beers
BrewingScience, 69(Jan / Feb), 1-7 / Kiyoshi Takoi
- Mar. 2014
Screening of geraniol-rich flavor hop and interesting behavior of β-citronellol during fermentation under various hop-addition timings
J. Am. Soc. Brew. Chem., 72(1), 22-29. / Kiyoshi Takoi
- Apr. 2013
Flavour compounds contributing to the characteristic flavour of new aroma hop cultivars
Brauwelt International, 31(II), 86-91 / Kiyoshi Takoi
- Aug. 2012
Aromaverbindungen und der typische Geschmack von Aromahopfen-Neuzüchtungen
Brauwelt, 152(32), 916–921 / Kiyoshi Takoi
- Dec. 2010
The Contribution of Geraniol Metabolism to the Citrus Flavour of Beer: Synergy of Geraniol and β-Citronellol Under Coexistence with Excess Linalool
J. Inst. Brew, 116(3), 251–260 / Kiyoshi Takoi
- Apr 5, 2010
Biotransformation of Hop-Derived Monoterpene Alcohols by Lager Yeast and Their Contribution to the Flavor of Hopped Beer
J. Agric. Food Chem., 58(8), 5050–5058 / Kiyoshi Takoi
- Aug 11, 2009
Specific flavor compounds derived from Nelson Sauvin hop and synergy of these compounds
BrewingScience, 62(July / August), 108-118 / Kiyoshi Takoi
- Jun. 2009
Inactivatio of Alicyclobacillus acidoterrestris in Orange Juice by High Electric Field Alternating Current
Food Sci. Technol. Res, Vol.15, NO.3, pp185-191 / Takashi Inoue※ et al.
- Mar 25, 2009
Identification and Characteristics of New Volatile Thiols Derived from the Hop (Humulus lupulus L.) Cultivar Nelson Sauvin
J. Agric. Food Chem., 57(6), 2493-2502 / Kiyoshi Takoi
- Dec. 2007
Identification of novel unique flavor compounds derived from Nelson Sauvin hop and development of a new product using this hop
Proc. 31st EBC Congr., 31, 241-251. / Kiyoshi Takoi
* prior to December 31,2012:From Pokka Corporation.
- Sensory・Data Science
- Research into the materials and functions
Manufacturing and processing technology
- Quality assurance
- Sustainability