
ESG Data


Sapporo Group Scope 1 and 2 Greenhouse Gas Emissions

CO2 emissions by business

2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Alcoholic beverages 1000 tons of CO2 126.0 110.1 109.5 127.0 122.7
Food & soft drinks 1000 tons of CO2 50.7 48.1 52.3 44.7 40.7
Real estate 1000 tons of CO2 30.2 22.4 22.3 17.6 11.6
Total 1000 tons of CO2 206.9 180.5 184.1 189.3 175.0

* CH4, N2O, HFCs, PFCs, and SF6 are excluded from the scope of the report, referring to the reporting under the Law Concerning the Promotion of Measures to Cope with Global Warming and the disclosure standards under the CFC Law.

* We undergo third-party verification from the Japan Quality Assurance Organization, in accordance with the international standard ISO14064-3, for the calculation rules and results formulated by our company.

CO2 emissions by country

2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Japan 1000 tons of CO2 174.1 149.8 152.7 147.1 134.9
Canada 1000 tons of CO2 18.2 18.0 17.3 20.0 19.6
U.S.A 1000 tons of CO2 1.0 0.8 0.9 7.6 7.0
Vietnam 1000 tons of CO2 2.4 2.3 2.4 4.0 3.8
Singapore 1000 tons of CO2 4.6 2.7 4.5 4.8 4.4
Malaysia 1000 tons of CO2 6.6 7.0 6.4 5.8 5.4
Total 1000 tons of CO2 206.9 180.5 184.1 189.3 175.0

CO2 emissions per unit revenues

2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
CO2 emissions / revenues Tons per 100 million yen 42 42 42 40 34

* Calculations are based on the Act on Promotion of Global Warming Countermeasures.
CO2 emissions factors for domestic energy use are calculated according to base emissions factors until 2018, and according to adjusted emissions factors from 2019 onward.
CO2 emissions from overseas energy use are calculated according to the International Energy Agencyʼs CO2 emissions intensity data.
Figures for CO2 emissions show totals emitted by:
Nine companies in 2013‒2014; 11 companies in 2015‒2017; 12 companies in 2018; and 11 companies in 2019.
Revenues are for the entire Sapporo Group.

Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Status

Reduction Rate (compared to 2022) 8%

* The Sapporo Group is working towards the goal of "reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 42% compared to 2022 by 2030."

Sapporo Group Scope 3 Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Overview Emissions (t-CO2e)
2022 2023
Category 1 Purchased goods and services 785,975 755,659
Category 2 Capital goods 17,807 37,429
Category 3 Fuel- and energy-related activities (not included in scope1 or scope 2) 28,732 29,173
Category 4 Upstream transportation and distribution 124,075 109,159
Category 5 Waste generated in operations 3,620 3,308
Category 6 Business travel by employees 509 511
Category 7 Employee commuting 949 954
Category 8 Upstream leased assets 26,461 24,238
Category 9 Downstream transportation and distribution 77,565.1 90,778
Category 10 Processing of sold products not subject to calculation not subject to calculation
Category 11 Use of sold products 11,916 11,309
Category 12 End-of-life treatment of sold products 15,901 15,458
Category 13 Downstream leased assets 4,744 3,920
Category 14 Franchises not subject to calculation not subject to calculation
Category 15 Investments 39,888 22,663
Scope 3 (total) 1,138,142 1,104,559

* Calculations are made according to the Basic Guidelines on Accounting for Greenhouse Gas Emissions Throughout the Supply Chain.

* Emissions data is for Sapporo Breweries and POKKA SAPPORO Food & Beverages; calculations have received third-party verification from the Japan Quality Assurance Organization in accordance with the international standard ISO14064-3 for the calculation rules and results formulated by our company.

* Non-FLAG Scope 3 range

* The calculation method has been changed to comply with SBT certification in 2024.

FLAG Scope 1,3 Greenhouse Gas Emissions of the Sapporo Group

Category Emissions (t-CO2e)
2022 2023
Land use change emissions 10,854 9,859
Land management emissions 60,775 54,840
FLAG total 71,629 64,699

※ The calculation method has been changed to comply with the 2024 SBT certification.

Group-wide energy consumption

Energy consumption by business

2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Alcoholic beverages GJ 2,614,325 2,368,452 2,401,357 2,632,606 2,483,513
Food & soft drinks GJ 1,068,923 955,394 1,069,733 900,138 790,121
Real estate GJ 583,915 493,810 472,452 504,101 455,525
Total GJ 4,267,163 3,817,656 3,943,542 4,036,845 3,729,158

Energy consumption by country

2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Japan GJ 3,470,000 3,063,011 3,170,594 3,027,130 2,819,984
Canada GJ 513,646 510,306 499,195 540,737 507,326
U.S.A GJ 27,044 26,748 27,730 207,403 174,284
Vietnam GJ 55,301 51,751 54,440 54,755 48,002
Singapore GJ 96,790 55,134 89,601 100,764 86,210
Malaysia GJ 104,381 110,707 101,982 106,056 93,352
Total GJ 4,267,163 3,817,656 3,943,542 4,036,845 3,729,158

Energy consumption per unit revenues

2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Energy consumption / revenues Gigajoules per 100 million yen 867 878 902 844 719

Revenues are for the entire Sapporo Group.

Group-wide sewage, air pollution, and chemical substances data

Waste water volumes

2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Waste water volumes Thousands of m3 6,524 6,421 5,778 5,580 5,408
(Discharged into sewers) Thousands of m3 3,447 3,393 3,053 3,209 3,160
(Discharged into rivers) Thousands of m3 3,077 3,028 2,725 2,371 2,248

* The past data up to 2019 for waste water volumes was found to be incorrect and was corrected in October 2024.

Water pollutant emissions

2022 2023
BOD kg 85,488 85,139
COD kg 62,321 44,313
SS kg 94,176 74,709
T-N kg 39,187 33,897
T-P kg 19,415 18,712

* This applies to two domestic companies. Each factory meets the regulatory standards.

NOx and SOx emissions

2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
NOx kg 26,026 31,136 22,867 26,717 24,887
SOx kg 446 409 349 278 600

Figures show total volumes for two Japanese companies; values at all Group plants meet regulations.

PRTR substances movement volumes and emission volumes (April to March)

Operating company Chemical substance name CAS No. Annual migration Annual emissions
FY2020 - - - 0kg 26kg
FY2021 - - - 0kg 26kg
FY2022 - - - 0kg 87kg
FY2023 - - - 7,600kg 13,822kg

Chemical substances are appropriately managed by the Sapporo Group

Group-wide water consumption

Water consumption by business

2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Alcoholic beverages Thousands of m3 5,477 4,873 4,617 4,691 4,865
Food & soft drinks Thousands of m3 2,096 1,911 2,014 2,003 1,928
Real estate Thousands of m3 330 338 - - -
Total Thousands of m3 7,903 7,122 6,631 6,695 6,793

Water consumption by country

2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Japan Thousands of m3 6,509 5,891 5,357 5,384 5,244
Canada Thousands of m3 804 771 809 806 806
U.S.A Thousands of m3 61 34 38 41 246
Vietnam Thousands of m3 123 117 118 120 112
Singapore Thousands of m3 193 87 109 126 141
Malaysia Thousands of m3 214 223 200 218 245
Total Thousands of m3 7,903 7,122 6,631 6,695 6,793

Water consumption by intake source

2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Public water supply Thousands of m3 4,148 3,660 3,207 3,231 3,161
Industrial water (river water) Thousands of m3 1,110 1,038 1,020 987 1,213
Ground water Thousands of m3 2,644 2,424 2,404 2,477 2,420

Recycled water volumes

2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Recycled water volume Thousands of m3 425 323 206 150 159

Water consumption per unit revenues

2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Water consumption / revenues Thousands of m3 per 100 million yen 1.6 1.6 1.5 1.4 1.3

Figures for water consumption show totals consumed by:
Seven companies in 2013-2014; eight companies in 2015-2017; 11 companies in 2018; and 10 companies in 2019-2020.
Revenues are for the entire Sapporo Group.

Water consumption reductions

2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Combined total of Sapporo Breweries and POKKA SAPPORO Food & Beverages Thousands of m3 5,590 5,078 4,877 4,946 4,861
Reduction rates (compared to 2013 levels) % 6 15 18 17 18

The Sapporo Group is working to reduce water consumption at Sapporo Breweries and POKKA SAPPORO Food & Beverages production plants by 10% (based on the 2 companiesʼ scope of business in 2013) compared to 2013 levels by 2030.

WRI Aqueduct rating and the number of applicable production sites

Overall water risk Water stress
Extremely high 0 0
High 1 1
Medium-high 0 15
Low-medium 23 7
Low 5 7

* Survey in April 2024

Water consumption at production sites involving water stress (Thousands of m3)

Extremely high -
High 11
Medium-high 4,085
Low-medium 935
Low 1,762

Group-wide by-product and waste volumes

Group-wide by-product and waste volumes by business (in Japan)

Volume generated in tons Volume recycled in tons Recycling rate in percent
2022 2023 2022 2023 2022 2023
Alcoholic beverages 50,672 52,215 48,760 49,634 96.2 95.1
Food & soft drinks 18,109 14,734 11,123 8,753 61.4 59.4
Real estate 3,235 3,464 2,227 2,385 68.8 68.9
Total 72,016 70,414 62,110 60,773 86.2 86.3

Figures show totals for the Sapporo Groupʼs 18 Japanese companies

Group-wide by-product and waste volumes by country

Volume generated in tons Volume recycled in tons Recycling rate in percent
2022 2023 2022 2023 2022 2023
Japan 72,016.4 70,413.7 62,110.1 60,773.1 86.2 86.3
Canada 34,033.7 32,889.9 33,480.5 32,471.6 98.4 98.7
U.S.A 37,294.6 35,185.1 36,854.1 34,778.4 98.8 98.8
Vietnam 3,671.5 3,689.8 3,655.0 3,672.8 99.6 99.5
Singapore 913.0 846.6 863.0 804.6 94.5 95.0
Malaysia 1,503.3 1,927.0 1,086.2 1,124.3 72.3 58.3
Total 149,432 144,952 138,049 133,625 92.4 92.2

Figures show totals for the Sapporo Groupʼs 18 Japanese and six overseas companies

Recycling target achievement rate

Volume generated in tons Volume recycled in tons Recycling rate in percent
2022 2023 2022 2023 2022 2023
Sapporo Breweries (production plant) 48,116 48,818 48,116 48,818 100 100
POKKA SAPPORO (production plant) 8,568 6,436 8,568 6,436 100 100

Both Sapporo Breweries and POKKA SAPPORO Food & Beverages are targeting a recycling rate of 100% at their production plants. Recycling rates are shown to three digits and rounded up.

The status of emissions and recycling of industrial waste from plastic products by industry (by business)

Year: 2023

Business Total Quantity (t) Breakdown
Recycling and Others Others Quantity Recycled (t) Ratio of Recycling (%) Ratio of Heat Recovery (%) Total Ratio of Recycling and Others (%)
Recycling (t) Ratio of Thermal Recovery (t)
Alcoholic Beverages 404 159 221 24 39 55 94
Food and Beverages 1,502 860 364 278 57 24 81
Real Estate 410 150 260 0 37 63 100
Total 2,316 1,169 844 302 51 36 87

Information on businesses that emit large amounts of industrial waste from plastic products

* Businesses with plastic product and industrial waste emissions of 250t or more in the previous fiscal year.

Sapporo Breweries Ltd.
Emissions and recycling status of plastic products and industrial waste

Year Total Quantity (t) Breakdown
Recycling and Others Others Quantity Recycled (t) Ratio of Recycling (%) Ratio of Heat Recovery (%) Total Ratio of Recycling and Others (%)
Recycling (t) Ratio of Thermal Recovery (t)
2022 317.2 99.2 193.4 24.6 31.3 61.0 92.3
2023 306.1 87.0 196.4 22.7 28.4 64.2 92.6

<Emissions Reduction Targets>

  • Aim to phase out domestically produced one-way plastic advertising materials derived from fossil fuels by 2030.
  • Aim for a 50% usage ratio of recycled materials for domestically produced wine PET bottles by 2030.

<Recycling and Others Targets>

  • Strive to improve the current ratio of recycling and others.

Pokka Sapporo Food & Beverage Ltd.
Emissions and recycling status of plastic products and industrial waste

Year Total Quantity (t) Breakdown
Recycling and Others Others Quantity Recycled (t) Ratio of Recycling (%) Ratio of Heat Recovery (%) Total Ratio of Recycling and Others (%)
Recycling (t) Ratio of Thermal Recovery (t)
2022 434.8 9.5 323.0 102.3 2.2 74.3 76.5
2023 354.3 28.3 244.1 81.9 8.0 68.9 76.9

<Emissions Reduction Targets>

  • Aim for a 50% usage ratio of recycled materials in PET bottle products by 2030.

<Recycling and Others Targets>

  • Strive to improve the current ratio of recycling and others.

Sapporo Real Estate Development Corporation
Emissions and recycling status of plastic products and industrial waste

Year Total Quantity (t) Breakdown
Recycling and Others Others Quantity Recycled (t) Ratio of Recycling (%) Ratio of Heat Recovery (%) Total Ratio of Recycling and Others (%)
Recycling (t) Ratio of Thermal Recovery (t)
2022 391.5 142.1 249.4 0.0 36.3 63.7 100.0
2023 410.0 149.9 260.1 0.0 36.6 63.4 100.0

<Emissions Reduction Targets>

  • Work on material changes for plastic disposable items in our directly operated stores (cafes/restaurants).

<Recycling and Others Targets>

  • Continuously promote waste separation and recycling awareness to all occupants of the building.

PS Beverage Co., Ltd.
Emissions and recycling status of plastic products and industrial waste

Year Total Quantity (t) Breakdown
Recycling and Others Others Quantity Recycled (t) Ratio of Recycling (%) Ratio of Heat Recovery (%) Total Ratio of Recycling and Others (%)
Recycling (t) Ratio of Thermal Recovery (t)
2022 832.5 818.2 14.3 0.0 98.3 1.7 100.0
2023 834.8 803.1 31.6 0.2 96.2 3.8 100.0

<Emissions Reduction Targets>

  • Strive to procure products using recycled PET resin.

<Recycling and Others Targets>

  • Endeavor to maintain the current level of resource recycling and related efforts.

The Sapporo Groupʼs Domestic Operating Companies

Production volumes, energy use, water use, and CO2 emissions data

Company Fiscal year 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Sapporo Breweries Production volumes Thousands of kL 652 596 600 618 634
Fuel consumption GJ 877,533 822,626 835,732 790,510 739,498
Electricity consumption MWh 92,038 88,138 85,802 87,138 87,630
Water consumption Thousands of m3 4,211 3,768 3,638 3,717 3,696
Water consumption per unit volume produced m3/KL 6.5 6.3 6.1 6.0 5.8
CO2 emissions Thousands of t 93 85 83 86 83
CO2 emissions per unit volume produced kg/KL 142 142 138 140 132
Sapporo Lion Fuel consumption GJ 63,990 39,814 16,685 25,661 24,360
Electricity consumption MWh 17,996 4,771 7,670 11,195 10,728
CO2 emissions Thousands of t 11 4 4 6 6
POKKA SAPPORO Food & Beverages Production volumes Thousands of t 165 158 149 148 141
Fuel consumption GJ 263,711 273,366 255,667 250,857 243,397
Electricity consumption MWh 26,383 27,985 27,306 26,711 25,016
Water consumption Thousands of m3 1,344 1,388 1,316 1,307 1,250
Water consumption per unit volume produced m3/t 8.1 8.8 8.8 8.8 8.9
CO2 emissions Thousands of t 27 27 25 25 23
CO2 emissions per unit volume produced kg/t 164 172 168 166 162
Shinshyu-ichi Miso Production volumes Thousands of t 24 20 19 19 19
Fuel consumption GJ 29,569 27,207 25,144 19,962 18,699
Electricity consumption MWh 6,486 6,495 5,182 3,593 3,592
Water consumption Thousands of m3 236 213 193 176 157
Water consumption per unit volume produced m3/t 9.7 10.5 10.4 9.3 8.5
CO2 emissions Thousands of t 5 5 4 3 3
CO2 emissions per unit volume produced kg/t 213 235 202 145 140
Sapporo Real Estate Floor area Thousands of m2 474 469 463 458 433
Fuel consumption GJ 291,027 221,286 218,653 214,569 210,141
Electricity consumption MWh 38,811 28,318 26,346 29,888 28,401
CO2 emissions Thousands of t 30 22 22 18 12
CO2 emissions per unit volume produced kg/m2 64 48 48 38 27

* Calculations are based on the Act on Promotion of Global Warming Countermeasures.
CO2 emissions factors for domestic energy use are calculated according to base emissions factors until 2018, and according to adjusted emissions factors from 2019 onward.

The Sapporo Groupʼs Overseas Operating Companies

Data on production volumes, energy consumption, water consumption, and CO2 emissions

Company Country FY (April 1 to March 31) 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Sleeman Canada Production volumes Thousands of kL 189 193 202 203 206
Fuel consumption GJ 287,990 285,477 268,493 328,730 322,805
Electricity consumption MWh 22,629 22,546 23,135 21,265 21,512
Water consumption Thousands of m3 804 771 809 806 806
Water consumption per unit volume produced m3/KL 4.2 4.0 4.0 4.0 3.9
CO2 emissions t 18,169 18,028 17,262 19,993 19,601
CO2 emissions per unit volume produced kg/KL 96.0 93.6 85.5 98.6 95.3
Sapporo Vietnam Vietnam Production volumes Thousands of kL 22 20 20 22 23
Fuel consumption GJ 20,671 19,043 20,102 20,314 18,205
Electricity consumption MWh 3,473 3,280 3,444 3,454 3,333
Water consumption Thousands of m3 123 117 118 120 112
Water consumption per unit volume produced m3/KL 5.7 6.0 5.8 5.6 4.9
CO2 emissions t 2,448 2,284 2,404 3,999 3,775
CO2 emissions per unit volume produced kg/KL 114 116 119 185 166
POKKA Singapore Production volumes Thousands of kL 58 37 44 45 44
Fuel consumption GJ 42,886 27,649 37,418 37,848 34,952
Electricity consumption MWh 5,406 2,756 4,396 4,565 3,926
Water consumption Thousands of m3 193 87 109 126 141
Water consumption per unit volume produced m3/KL 3.3 2.4 2.4 2.8 3.2
CO2 emissions t 4,648 2,665 3,910 3,801 3,409
CO2 emissions per unit volume produced kg/KL 79.9 73.0 88.1 84.9 78.0
POKKA (MALAYSIA) Malaysia Production volumes Thousands of kL 38 47 50 54 52
Fuel consumption GJ 37,420 39,685 36,445 40,047 35,912
Electricity consumption MWh 6,715 7,122 6,572 6,621 6,421
Water consumption Thousands of m3 214 223 200 218 245
Water consumption per unit volume produced m3/KL 5.6 4.8 4.0 4.1 4.7
CO2 emissions t 6,561 6,959 6,413 5,815 5,391
CO2 emissions per unit volume produced kg/KL 171 149 129 108 103
Anchor Brewing Company U.S.A Production volumes Thousands of kL 8 5 5 4 2
Fuel consumption GJ 13,925 9,756 10,140 10,053 5,173
Electricity consumption MWh 1,316 1,704 1,764 2,045 841
Water consumption Thousands of m3 61 34 38 41 16
Water consumption per unit volume produced m3/KL 7.8 7.0 7.7 9.1 9.9
CO2 emissions t 960 826 858 1,053 482
CO2 emissions per unit volume produced kg/KL 123 171 173 235 291
Stone Brewing United States production output Thousands of KL 41 39
Fuel consumption GJ 62,035 59,477
Electricity consumption MWh 11,528 11,898
Water consumption Thousands of m3 254 230
Per-unit water consumption m3/KL 6.3 6.0
CO2 emissions t 6,516 6,472
Per-unit CO2 emissions kg/KL 161 168

* CO2 emissions factors for overseas energy use are calculated according to data issued by the International Energy Agency or relevant electric power companies

Sapporo group environmental costs (summary)

2023 2022 Remarks
Business area costs Investment Millions of yen 451 397 Facilities contributing to environmental preservation
Costs Millions of yen 1,180 1,081
Upstream/Downstream Costs Costs Millions of yen 487 500 Container and packaging recycling fees
Management activity costs Costs Millions of yen 136 114 Environmental management system operation, greening of factories
Social activity cost Costs Millions of yen 1 1 Nature conservation
Economic effect of environmental facilities Millions of yen -444 -462 Effects of Energy and Resource Recovery Facilities

* Sapporo Breweries, POKKA SAPPORO, Sapporo Lion, and Sapporo Real Estate Development are included in the scope of aggregation. The number of target companies has been changed for 2 companies in 2021 and 4 companies in 2022.

* Depreciation of equipment is not recorded.

Sapporo Group raw material consumption by business

Business 2020 2021 2022
Alcoholic beverages 1,000 tons 87.1 72.2 80.8
Food & soft drinks 1,000 tons 23.9 21.6 21.2
Total 1,000 tons 111.0 93.9 102.0


Employment status

Employment status of the Sapporo Group

2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Number of employees*1 Persons 17,198 14,865 13,832 12,328 11,947
Total in domestic companies Persons 14,697 12,797 11,617 9,306 9,470
Total in overseas companies*2 Persons 2,501 2,068 2,215 3,022 2,477
Full-time employees Persons 7,603 7,527 6,848 6,692 6,610
Male Persons 5,954 5,934 5,219 5,100 5,028
Female Persons 1,649 1,593 1,629 1,592 1,582
Female ratio % 21.7 21.2 23.8 23.8 24.3
Number in management Persons 1,696 1,567 1,458 1,591 1,472
Male Persons 1,548 1,431 1,316 1,376 1,260
Female Persons 148 136 142 215 212
Female ratio % 8.7 8.7 9.7 13.5 14.4
Contracted staff Persons 9,595 7,338 6,892 5,636 5,384
Male Persons 3,945 2,713 2,687 2,746 2,540
Female Persons 5,650 4,625 4,205 2,890 2,844
Female ratio % 58.9 63.0 61.0 51.3 52.8

*1 Includes contracted staff (excluding full-time employees)

Employment status in the major five operating companies

2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Number of employees Persons 4,049 3,971 3,619 3,611 3,540
Male Persons 3,260 3,170 2,833 2,797 2,710
Female Persons 789 801 786 814 830
Female ratio % 19.5 20.2 21.7 22.5 23.4
(Number of Mid-Career Hires) Persons 1,369 1,425 1,318 1,330 1,301
Male Persons 1,146 1,193 1,067 1,067 1,037
Female Persons 223 232 251 263 264
Female ratio % 16.3 16.3 19.0 19.8 20.3
Mid-Career Hire Ratio % 33.8 35.9 36.4 36.8 36.8
Number in management Persons 1,063 1,027 942 938 822
Male Persons 1,019 984 895 887 767
Female Persons 44 43 47 51 55
Female ratio % 4.1 4.2 5.0 5.4 6.7
Average Years of Continuous Employment Years 17.5 17.5 17.3 17.4 18.0
Male Years 18.6 18.7 18.5 18.6 19.0
Female Years 13.1 12.7 12.9 13.0 13.2
Employed full-time Persons 191 98 71 138 147
Male Persons 131 55 44 84 94
Female Persons 60 43 27 54 53
Female ratio % 31.4 43.9 38.0 39.1 36.1
Leaving employees Persons 121 150 279 156 146
Male Persons 96 118 228 118 104
Female Persons 25 32 51 38 42
Ratio of leaving employees % 2.9 3.6 7.2 4.1 4.0
Ratio of new graduates leaving within three years of entering % 7.1 6.9 6.4 8.8 7.9

* Sapporo Holdings, Sapporo Breweries, POKKA SAPPORO Food & Beverage, Sapporo Lion, SAPPORO REAL ESTATE (includes subsidiaries and workplaces at related companies)

* Including those who retired under the early retirement incentive plan in 2020 and 2021

Ratio of mid-career hires to full-time workers

Company 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Sapporo Breweries 28% 27% 41% 54% 51%
Sapporo Field Marketing 100% 100% 100% - 100%
SHINSEIEN 33% 25% 0% 57% 75%
PS BEVERAGE 77% 100% 100% 100% 100%
Sapporo Lion 78% 82% 82% 100% 40%
Hokkaido Sapporo Lion 100%

* Figures for subsidiaries and affiliates with 301 or more regularly employed employees.

Ratio of Female Managers*1

Company Name 2022 2023
Sapporo Holdings 50.0% 0.0%
Sapporo Breweries 5.6% 6.9%
POKKA SAPPORO Food & Beverage 5.3% 5.7%
Sapporo Lion 2.9% 5.9%

*1 Figures for Sapporo Holdings and four business companies are calculated based on the number of employees at the original company which they belong.

Wage difference between men and women (ratio of women's wages to men's wages)*1 *2

Company Name 2023 (2022) Unit: %
All employees Indefinite-term contract workers Fixed-term contract workers
Sapporo Holdings -*3 (99.5) -*3 (99.5) -*3 (-*3)
Sapporo Breweries 67.8 (65.1) 67.8 (67.2) 53.6 (52.3)
POKKA SAPPORO Food & Beverage 69.7 (69.4) 69.6 (68.6) 67.4 (61.8)
SAPPORO REAL ESTATE 80.9 (89.1) 80.5 (93.0) -*3 (41.6)
Sapporo Lion 42.3 (41.7) 74.3 (75.3) 72.3 (72.0)
Sapporo Field Marketing 32.7 (31.1) 80.9 (-*3) 34.7 (33.1)
Shinseien 53.9 (52.1) 65.2 (62.1) 78.5 (70.0)
PS BEVERAGE 65.3 (71.6) 71.1 (71.9) 68.3 (68.5)
Hokkaido Sapporo Lion 44.7 83.0 75.3

*1 The data for Sapporo Holdings, as well as its domestic subsidiaries and affiliated companies that regularly employ 301 or more employees, are aggregated based on the number of employees originally registered with these companies.

*2 The wage disparity between genders is calculated based on the average total amount of salary, allowances, and bonuses shown on withholding tax certificates. While there are differences in wages per person, these are not due to gender discrimination in the wage system or structure. Instead, they are understood to be a result of variations in role grades and the distribution of employment types. Specifically, the wage disparity among regular employees predominantly stems from a higher proportion of men in management roles, which are among the highest paying positions within the Group. Moreover, the wage disparities across all employees are largely due to a higher percentage of part-time, fixed-term female workers at companies like Sapporo Lion, Sapporo Field Marketing, Shinseien, and Hokkaido Sapporo Lion. In response, our ongoing efforts to promote female empowerment aim to correct these disparities by prioritizing women in management roles and by developing a work environment that supports continued employment, thereby moving towards eliminating wage differences between men and women.

*3 ** indicates that the employees necessary for the calculation are not present in the company.

Percentage of Male Employees Taking Childcare Leave*1

Company name 2022 2023
Sapporo beer co. 81% 114%
Pokka Sapporo Food & Beverage Ltd. 83% 87%
Sapporo lion co. 27% 25%

*1 Figures for domestic subsidiaries and affiliates that employ 1,001 or more full-time employees are calculated based on the number of original employees.

Employment status of individuals with disabilities (extracted from the registered domicile)

Company Name 2021 2022 2023
Sapporo Breweries Number of employed individuals Persons 49 51 51
Employment ratio % 2.6 2.8 2.9
POKKA SAPPORO Food & Beverage Number of employed individuals Persons 15 19 22
Employment ratio % 1.7 1.9 2.2
Sapporo Lion Number of employed individuals Persons 24 21 21
Employment ratio % 2.5 2.7 2.8
SAPPORO REAL ESTATE Number of employed individuals Persons 0 2 2
Employment ratio % 0 5.8 4.8
Total of 4 operating companies Number of employed individuals Persons 88 93 96
Employment ratio % 2.5 2.8 2.9

Employment status at Sapporo Breweries (extracted from its registered domicile)

2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Number of employees Persons 2,154 2,259 2,166 2,174 2,157
Male Persons 1,725 1,819 1,726 1,711 1,674
Female Persons 429 440 440 463 483
Female ratio % 19.9 19.5 20.3 21.3 22.4
(Number of Mid-Career Hires) Persons 633 643 645 674 692
Male Persons 515 525 516 535 547
Female Persons 118 118 129 139 145
Female ratio % 22.9 22.5 25.0 26.0 26.5
Mid-Career Hire Ratio % 29.4 28.5 29.8 31.0 32.1
Number in management Persons 639 614 603 609 519
Male Persons 608 583 569 574 483
Female Persons 31 31 34 35 36
Female ratio % 4.9 5.0 5.6 5.7 6.9
Number of Employees at Director Level or Above Persons 97 103 99 105 95
Male Persons 94 99 96 102 91
Female Persons 3 3 3 3 4
Female ratio % 3.1 2.9 3.0 2.9 4.2
Number of Employees at Manager Level Persons 542 512 479 504 508
Male Persons 514 484 449 472 473
Female Persons 28 28 30 32 35
Female ratio % 5.2 5.5 6.7 6.3 6.9
Number of Newly Appointed Managers Persons 17 30 39 43 40
Male Persons 15 28 34 41 35
Female Persons 2 2 5 2 5
Female ratio % 11.8 6.7 12.8 4.7 12.5
Employed full-time Persons 101 56 39 94 94
Male Persons 67 36 27 61 63
Female Persons 34 20 12 33 31
Female ratio % 33.7 35.7 30.8 35.1 33.0
Number of New Graduate Hires Persons 75 44 24 43 46
Male Persons 47 25 14 21 24
Female Persons 28 19 10 22 22
Female ratio % 37.3 43.2 41.7 51.2 47.8
Number of Mid-career Hires Persons 26 12 15 51 48
Male Persons 20 11 13 40 39
Female Persons 6 1 2 11 9
Female ratio % 23.1 8.3 13.3 21.6 18.8
Leaving employees Persons 45 84 106 96 67
Male Persons 38 67 87 74 55
Female Persons 7 17 19 22 12
Ratio of leaving employees % 1.9 3.6 4.7 4.2 3.0
Ratio of new graduates leaving within three years of entering % 3.6 3.6 4.2 6.3 6.2

* Including Sapporo Holdings

* Including those who retired under the early retirement incentive plan in 2020 and 2021

Employment status of individuals with disabilities at Sapporo Breweries (extracted from its registered domicile)

2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Number of employed individuals with disabilities Persons 46 44 49 51 51
Employment ratio % 2.3 2.3 2.6 2.7 2.9

* Including Sapporo Holdings

* Figures as of June

Human Resource Development Measures at Sapporo Breweries

Category Measures 2023
No. of persons Total hours
Manager development Management skill update training 352 3,374
Career training Career development training for officers (53 years old) 25 150
Career development training for middle age employees (43 years old) 50 325
Career development training for mid-career employees (30s) 14 56
Career development training for young employees (20s) 16 48
New employee training New employee training 40 4,680
Self-development support Open skill development training 190 1,239
Career development subsidy system 208 -
Support for attending external training 40 -

Safety Training at Sapporo Breweries

Training content 2023
No. of persons Total hours
Safety training for supervisors 11 154
Safety training for partner companies 651 1,953
Safety training upon hiring 39 78
Safety training for transferred employees 29 58
Safety follow-up training 22 22
Hazard prediction training 705 705

Labor, Health, and Work-life Balance

Sapporo Group Health Data

Sapporo Holdings + 4 domestic operating companies (Sapporo Breweries, Pokka Sapporo Food & Beverage, Sapporo Lion, Sapporo Real Estate Development) total

2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Participation rate for regular health check-ups % 100 100 100 100 100
Participation rate for emergency treatment follow-ups % 100 100 100 100 100
Participation rate for requiring detailed examination follow-ups % - 88 82 90 79
Participation rate for lifestyle-related health check-ups *1 % 78 73 85 92 94
Participation rate for gynecological check-ups*2 % - 38.0 (11.4) 47.3 (18.5) 54.3 (27.6) 62.1 (41.0)
Implementation rates for stress checks *3 % 95 95 98 96 97
Number of employees on leave due to mental health disorders % 19 23 31 17 14
Percentage of employees with healthy body weights
* with BMIs between 18.5 to 25
% 64.7 63.3 64.0 63.9 64.1
Percentage of employees at risk of blood pressure disorders
* with systolic blood pressures of 180mmHg or more, or diastolic blood pressures of 110mmHg or more
% 0.9 1.1 1.0 0.9 0.6
Percentage of employees with poor diabetes management
* with HbA1c of 8.0% or more
% 0.5 0.8 0.5 0.4 0.5
Percentage of employees who smoke % 27.9 26.4 23.9 22.3 22.2
Percentage of employees who sleep well % 65.4 74.8 75.3 71.0 68.4
Percentage of employees who regularly exercise for 30 minutes or more, twice a week or more % 26.6 30.8 32.9 32.8 33.7
Percentage of participants who walk or are physically active for at least 60 minutes per day or equivalent % 54.4 52.0 51.2 54.6 55.7
Intention to improve lifestyles (percentage of those who have already taken action) *4 % 31.9 36.1 36.1 36.8 35.9
Percentage of employees who skip breakfast three times a week or more % 27.5 28.0 30.5 32.0 31.4
Reference value: average number of steps taken per day *5 % 9,824 9,682 9,694 9,842 9,811
Percentage of employees eligible for specific health guidance (over 40 years old) % 29.1 29.6 28.6 25.7 24.3
Percentage of implementation of specific health guidance *6 % 17.4 25.6 31.3 37.4 34.7*

*1 For employees aged 40 or over

*2 For employees of all ages (employees under 34 years old)

*3 Survey from 2016 to 2019 for 17 Group companies; 2020 (new survey) for 9 domestic companies (Sapporo Holdings, Sapporo Breweries, POKKA SAPPORO Food & Beverage, SAPPORO REAL ESTATE, Sapporo Lion, Sapporo Field Marketing, Sapporo Group Logistics, SAPPORO LOGISTICS SYSTEMS, and New Sanko); 2021 for 10 domestic companies (9 companies in 2020 + Iwata POKKA SAPPORO Food & Beverage), 2022 for 13 domestic companies (10 companies in 2021 + Shinseien + Hanei + Marushin Kawamura); 2023 for 12 domestic companies (Sapporo Holdings, Sapporo Breweries, POKKA SAPPORO Food & Beverage, SAPPORO REAL ESTATE, Sapporo Lion, Sapporo Field Marketing, Sapporo Group Logistics, SAPPORO LOGISTICS SYSTEMS, New Sanko, Iwata POKKA SAPPORO Food & Beverage, Hokkaido Sapporo Lion, and Hanei)

*4 Actions taken to improve lifestyles based on the interview. (total of less than 6 months and more than 6 months)

*5 Average number of steps taken by participants in the Sapporo Breweries Health Insurance Societyʼs Walking Campaign

*6 In 2022, 39.9% for the Sapporo Group as a whole

* As of September 2024

Wellness Score (deviation value)

Data shows cumulative totals for the Sapporo Groupʼs five Japanese companies: Sapporo Holdings, Sapporo Breweries, POKKA SAPPORO Food & Beverage, Sapporo Lion, and SAPPORO REAL ESTATE

Wellness score Physical score Mental score
2018 53 50 53
2019 53 51 53


2018 % 80.8
2019 % 81.1
Average across all companies, as of September 2019 * % 78

* Average calculated from approximately 100,000 respondents to the FiNC Technologiesʼ FiNC Wellness Survey, as of September 2019

Employee awareness survey (once every two years)

Awareness of Management Philosophy Challenges and independence Work satisfaction
2016 3.83 3.38 3.84
2018 3.95 3.4 3.8

Rated on 1 to 5 points (higher scores indicating a higher rating)

Stress check and Employee awareness survey (from 2020)

From 2020, wellness score, employee awareness survey, and stress check have been integrated into a new "stress check and employee awareness survey."

Presenteeism loss (%) Work engagement (deviation values) Employee engagement (deviation values) Percentage of high-stress employees (%) Percentage of highly engaged employees (%)
2020 36.5 53.3 51.4 8.1 18.2
2021 36.3 53.9 51.3 8.5 20.3
2022 34.4 53.6 51.1 8.7 19.0
2023 33.8 54.0 51.1 9.1 19.7
2024 33.9 54.0 51.3 8.9 20.8
Challenge to create future value Independence Customer perspective Speedy business reform Diversity & Inclusion and Teamwork
2020 2.5 2.9 2.7 2.7 3.0
2021 2.6 2.9 2.8 2.7 3.0
2022 2.7 2.9 2.8 2.7 3.0
2023 2.7 2.9 2.8 2.7 3.0
2024 2.7 2.9 2.8 2.7 3.0

* Results of 9 domestic companies (Sapporo Holdings, Sapporo Breweries, POKKA SAPPORO Food & Beverage, SAPPORO REAL ESTATE, Sapporo Lion, *Result of 9 domestic companies in 2020 (new survey) (Sapporo Holdings, Sapporo Breweries, Pokka Sapporo Food & Beverage, Sapporo Real Estate Development, Sapporo Lion, Sapporo Field Marketing, Sapporo Group Logistics, Sapporo Distribution System, and New Sanko), 10 domestic companies in 2021 ( 9 domestic companies implemented in 2020 + Iwata Pokka Foods), 132 domestic companies in 2022 (10 companies implemented in 2021 + Shinseien + Hanei + Marushin Kawamura), and 12 domestic companies in 2023 (Sapporo Holdings, Sapporo Breweries, Pokka Sapporo Food & Beverage, Sapporo Real Estate Development, Sapporo Lion, Sapporo Distribution System, New Sanko Sapporo Lion, Sapporo Field Marketing, Sapporo Group Logistics, Sapporo Distribution System, Shinsei-en, Iwata Pokka Foods, Hokkaido Sapporo Lion, and Hanei).

* Relative presenteeism labor loss (%) is measured using the WHO-HPQ (Health and Work Performance Questionnaire). Average of Sapporo Holdings + 4 operating companies (Sapporo Breweries, Pokka Sapporo Food & Beverage, Sapporo Real Estate Development, Sapporo Lion)

* Deviation values are calculated based on data from companies and organizations participating in the survey over a certain period, while work engagement is based on the survey company's own method.

* Independence, Customer Perspective, Speedy Business Reform, and Diversity & Inclusion and Teamwork are rate on a scale of 1 to 4 (the higher the score, the higher the rating)

Number of fatal accidents (including temporary employees, subcontractors, and outsourcing companies)

Company Name 2021 2022 2023
Sapporo Holdings Persons 0 0 0
Sapporo Breweries Persons 0 0 0
POKKA SAPPORO Food & Beverage Persons 0 0 0
Sapporo Lion Persons 0 0 0

Industry Comparison with Sapporo Breweries for Frequency Rate, Severity Rate of Accidents, and Number of Employees Involved in Accidents Requiring Leave from Work

Frequency rate
Severity rate

Sapporo Breweries

2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Number of fatal accidents* Cases 0 0 0 0 0
Number of accidents resulting in time off from work Cases 0 2 0 1 0
Frequency rate 0.00 1.65 0.00 0.91 0.00
Severity rate 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00
Number of fatal accidents Cases 0 0 0 0 0
Average frequency rate of manufacturers 1.2 1.21 1.31 1.25
Frequency rate of soft drink and alcoholic beverage manufacturers 1.08 1.82 3.7 1.13
Average severity rate of manufacturers 0.1 0.07 0.06 0.08
Severity rate of soft drink and alcoholic beverage manufacturers 0.01 0.24 0.07 0.00

* Frequency and strength rates are based on directly employed employees of SB's 10 domestic plant divisions (Hokkaido, Sendai, Nasu, Gunma (Kizaki), Gunma (Ojima), Chiba, Shizuoka, Kyushu Hita, Okayama, and Grand Polaire Katsunuma).

Pokka Sapporo Food & Beverage

2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Frequency Rate 0.95 0.47 0.48 0.47 0.00 0.5
Average frequency rate of manufacturers 1.2 1.2 1.21 1.31 1.25
Frequency rate of soft drink and alcoholic beverage manufacturers 0.97 1.08 1.82 3.7 1.13
Severity Rate 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Average severity rate of manufacturers 0.1 0.1 0.07 0.06 0.08
Severity rate of soft drink and alcoholic beverage manufacturers 0.03 0.01 0.24 0.07 0.00

Sapporo Lion

2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Frequency Rate 12.03 17.20 13.39 11.44 12.74 10.06
Average frequency rate of retailers 3.14 3.34 3.48 3.81 3.92 3.31
Severity Rate - - - 0.05 0.02 0.04
Average severity rate of retailers 0.18 0.09 0.06 0.22 0.09 0.10

Number of employees involved in accidents requiring leave from work (Sapporo Breweries)

2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Total Persons 7 4 4
Full-time employees Persons 0 0 0 1 0
Contracted employees Persons 0 2 0 0 1
Temporary employees, subcontractors, and outsourcing companies Persons 5 5 6 3 3

Number of employees involved in accidents requiring leave from work (POKKA SAPPORO Food & Beverage)

2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Total Persons 1 1 1 1 1
Full-time employees Persons 1 1 1 1 1
Contracted employees Persons 0 0 0 0 0

Number of employees involved in accidents requiring leave from work (Sapporo Lion)

2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Total Persons 3 2 1 3 3
Full-time employees Persons 1 1 1 1 1
Contracted employees Persons 2 1 0 2 2

Sapporo Breweries

2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Number of employees taking childcare leave Persons 60 66 54 82 84
Number of male employees taking childcare leave Persons 40 43 43 56 57
Percentage of male employees taking childcare leave % 68 78 80 81.2 114.0
Average number of days of male employees taking childcare leave Days 8.5 8.8 7.5 19.2 32.1
Number of employees taking nursing care leave Persons 2 1 0 1 1

Including Sapporo Holdings

2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Annual working hours * Hours 2,016 2,057 1,941 1,968 1,990
Average monthly overtime hours Hours 18 12 15 16 17
Average number of days of paid leave taken Days 15 12 14.8 15.6 15
Percentage of available paid leave taken % 80.7 65.0 68.6 74.6 64.9
Achievement rate for work-interval systems (10 hours) % 99 100 99.7 99.4 99.1
Absenteeim ** Day/person 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.4

Including Sapporo Holdings

* Non-managerial employees

** Absenteeim: The total number of days absent per year at Sapporo Holdings and Sapporo Breweries divided by the number of enrolled employees.

2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
Participation rate for lifestyle-related health check-ups *1 % 86 86 84 91 93 94  
Percentage of employees who smoke % 26 24 22 20 18 18 18
Percentage of employees who regularly exercise for 30 minutes or more, two days a week % 28 30 34 37 35 36 38
Percentage of employees who walk or engage in physical activity of equivalent or greater intensity for at least 60 minutes daily % 51 56 52 52 54 56 58
Intention to improve lifestyles (percentage of those who have already taken action)*2 % 36 38 42 42 43 41  
Percentage of employees eligible for specific health guidance (over 40 years old) % 31.3 29.1 28.4 27.3 26.5 25.2  
Percentage of implementation of specific health guidance % 27.4 22.5 33.5 36.4 43.0 38.6*  

Including Sapporo Holdings

*1 For employees aged 40 or over

*2 Lifestyle improvement efforts have been made based on medical interviews (sum of efforts for less than 6 months and for more than 6 months)

* As of September 2024

Number of people surveyed Response rate Work engagement
(deviation values)
High work engagement Surrounding support
(deviation values) *
Environment and situation in the company and work
(deviation values)
Presenteeism (%) **
2020 2526 94.5% 54.7 22.1% 53.2 54.6 34.6
2021 2372 98.4% 55.2 24.0% 53.9 54.7 35.0
2022 2393 98.0% 55.3 23.9% 54.5 54.8 34.1
2023 2332 97.6% 55.7 24.7% 54.6 55.0 33.7
2024 2286 98.7% 55.6 25.9% 54.6 55.0 34.1

Including Sapporo Holdings

* Deviation values are calculated based on data from companies and organizations participating in the survey over a certain period, while work engagement is based on the survey company's own method.

** Relative presenteeism measured by the WHO-HPQ (labor loss %)

POKKA SAPPORO Food & Beverage

2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Number of employees taking childcare leave Persons 15 20 21 19 27
Number of employees taking nursing care leave Persons 0 1 1 1 1
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Annual working hours * Hours 2,004 2,087 2,052 2,086 2,027
Average number of days of paid leave taken Days 10 10 8.3 9.4 11.9
Percentage of available paid leave taken % 54 51 45.1 52 65
Absenteeim ** Day/person 0.7 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.4

* All employees, including both managerial and non-managerial employees

** Absenteeim: The total number of days absent per year at Sapporo Holdings and Sapporo Breweries divided by the number of enrolled employees.

2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Participation rate for lifestyle-related health check-ups *1 % 74 65 84 92 93
Percentage of employees who smoke % 25 24 21 20 21
Percentage of employees who regularly exercise for 30 minutes or more, two days a week % 25 29 30 31 33
Intention to improve lifestyles (percentage of those who have already taken action) % 31 39 37 38 38
Percentage of employees eligible for specific health guidance (over 40 years old) % 31.0 32.1 30.5 29.2 24.7
Percentage of implementation of specific health guidance % 13.7 20.8 32.5 32.5 34.5*

*1 For employees aged 40 or over

*2 Actions taken to improve lifestyles based on the interview. (total of less than 6 months and more than 6 months)

* As of September 2024

Number of people surveyed Response rate Work engagement
(deviation values)
Surrounding support
(deviation values)
Environment and situation in the company and work
(deviation values)
Presenteeism (%) *
2020 1146 97.2% 52.1 52.1 51.1 37.7
2021 1016 98.3% 52.3 52.9 52.0 36.8
2022 1054 96.6% 52.2 52.9 52.0 35.9
2023 1060 96.7% 52.5 53.5 52.4 35.5
2024 994 99.4% 53.2 54.0 53.6 34.6

* Deviation values are calculated based on data from companies and organizations participating in the survey over a certain period, while work engagement is based on the survey company's own method.


Sapporo Lion

2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Number of employees taking nursing care leave Persons 0 0 0 0 1
Participation rate for lifestyle-related health check-ups *1 % 63 58 70 91 97
Percentage of employees who smoke % 40 39 38 38 38
Absenteeim *2 Day/person 0.8 2.9 3.4 2.5 1.8
Percentage of employees who regularly exercise for 30 minutes or more, two days a week % 21 24 25 27 29
Intention to improve lifestyles (percentage of those who have already taken action) % 16 19 19 15 15
Percentage of employees eligible for specific health guidance (over 40 years old) % 26.9 30.0 30.0 18.3 20.6
Percentage of implementation of specific health guidance % 8.0 4.5 13.7 17.1

*1 For employees aged 40 or over

*2 Absenteeim: The total number of days absent per year at Sapporo Holdings and Sapporo Breweries divided by the number of enrolled employees.

*3 Actions taken to improve lifestyles based on the interview. (total of less than 6 months and more than 6 months)

Number of people surveyed Response rate Stress Level
(Deviation value)
Work engagement
(Deviation values)
Presenteeism (%) *
2020 730 94.5% 49.3 52.3 34.0
2021 576 94.9% 49.3 53.5 41.8
2022 540 89.2% 47.3 53.0 32.6
2023 466 99.3% 47.5 52.7 30.7
2024 480 100.0% 47.8 52.8 32.2

* Deviation values are calculated based on data from companies and organizations participating in the survey over a certain period, while work engagement is based on the survey company's own method.

* Relative presenteeism measured by the WHO-HPQ (labor loss %)


2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Participation rate for lifestyle-related health check-ups *1 % 83 71 85 98 93
Percentage of employees who smoke % 35 33 31 30 28
Absenteeim *2 Day/person 2.0 0.8 1.7 0.7 2.8
Percentage of employees eligible for specific health guidance (over 40 years old) % 31.7 32.6 33.3 19.6 20.9
Percentage of implementation of specific health guidance % 23.1 73.3 40.0 66.7 70.0*

Calculated only for SRE original employees

*1 For employees aged 40 or over

*2 Absenteeim: The total number of days absent per year at Sapporo Holdings and Sapporo Breweries divided by the number of enrolled employees.

* As of September 2024

Number of people surveyed Response rate Work engagement
(deviation values)
Surrounding support
(deviation values)
Environment and situation in the company and work
(deviation values)
Presenteeism (%) *
2020 145 88.3% 52.2 50.7 49.8 35.7
2021 134 100% 53.9 51.9 52.5 33.5
2022 137 99.2% 54.1 52.8 52.7 34.8
2023 141 100% 54.8 53.5 52.6 32.9
2024 157 99.3% 56.3 53.2 50.8 31.6

* Deviation values are calculated based on data from companies and organizations participating in the survey over a certain period, while work engagement is based on the survey company's own method.

* Relative presenteeism measured by the WHO-HPQ (labor loss %)

Number of participants in the Sapporo Group health programs

Program Total number
Health ambassador study session 625
E-learning on health 11,886
Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) 3,300
Women's health seminar 878
Lifestyle improvement challenge campaign 4,100
Health Insurance Association walking competition 2,077

Social Contribution Activity Results

2022 Social Contribution Activity Expenses Total: 271.3 million yen

* Survey conducted on domestic and international business companies (including subsidiaries and affiliated companies, totaling 26 companies).

Prospering Together with the Community

  • Educational Programs in the Food and Beverage Sector: The number of initiatives, including food education, guest lectures, and factory tours, implemented within the community totaled 250 instances in 2023, approximately 6.8 times that of 2021.

Promotion of Responsible Drinking

  • Responsible Drinking Seminars: 19 seminars were held, with a total of 1,200 participants (including online participation) in 2023.
  • Distribution of Educational Booklets for Elementary and Middle School Students: Approximately 4,500 copies of the booklet "Understanding Alcohol" were distributed free of charge in 2023.

Number of Regional Collaboration Agreements

Number of Regional Collaboration Agreements: 63 (As of the end of December 2022)

* Total for 5 domestic business companies (Sapporo Holdings, Sapporo Breweries, POKKA SAPPORO Food & Beverage, Sapporo Lion, SAPPORO REAL ESTATE).


Board of Directors

2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Number of attendance Times 13 15 13 16 13
Attendance rate % 100 100 100 99.4 99.3

Nominating Committee

2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Number of attendance Times 1 3 4 5 5
Attendance rate % 100 100 100 97.1 100

Compensation Committee

2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Number of attendance Times 2 3 5 5 5
Attendance rate % 100 100 100 100 100

Number of cases handled by each company's crisis management organization

2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Product and quality related incidents and product recall Cases 1 0 1 0 0
Environmental legal violations Cases 0 0 0 0 0
Major cases of misconduct by employees * Cases 0 0 0 0 0

* Major cases of misconduct refer to serious compliance violations such as bribery or corruption.
