
Environmental Conservation Promotion System

Environmental Conservation Promotion System

Environmental Conservation Promotion System

The Sapporo Group has established the “Group Sustainability Committee” as an advisory body for the “Management Council” within Sapporo Holdings (refer to “Corporate Governance and Internal Control”), to aid environmental management initiatives for each operating company and to promote/integrate the environmental conservation activities for the overall Group. The committee chair is the President of Sapporo Holdings and committee members are officers in charge of corporate strategy from each operating company among others, and the Secretariat is the Sapporo Holdings Corporate Planning Department.
Initiatives for Sapporo Group issues are being implemented based on social trends and the “Group Environmental Philosophy and Policy.” Climate change has been designated as a major issue, and all operating companies of the Sapporo Group have been making efforts to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases. Along with this, operating companies have been developing environmental conservation structures according to their business form.
