
Sapporo Group Human Rights Policy

Sapporo Group Human Rights Policy

Since its establishment in 1876 in Sapporo, Hokkaido Prefecture, as the “Kaitakushi Brewery,” the Sapporo Group has expanded its business domains to include not only beer, but also alcoholic beverages, food, soft-drinks, restaurants, and real estate, and has become involved in various aspects of life with its management philosophy of "As an intrinsic part of people’s lives, Sapporo will contribute to the evolution of creative, enriching and rewarding lifestyles." We will practice sincere business operations to enhance the trust from our stakeholders and contribute to the creation of a sustainable society.

We recognize that our business could directly or indirectly affect human rights in the course of its process, and to respect human rights of all people involved in our business, we hereby provide the Sapporo Group Human Rights Policy. With this policy, we will promote approaches to respecting human rights.
We expect all of our business partners, including our suppliers, to understand and support this policy.

Commitment to Respect for Human Rights

The Sapporo Group Human Rights Policy (hereinafter referred to as this Policy) is based on the Sapporo Group Code of Corporate Conduct and governs all other human rights-related policies within the Sapporo Group, and this policy is a foundational element of all our business operations.
This Policy has been stipulated with reviewing the human rights issues related to the Group, following advice from independent external experts. In the course of their implementation, we will have earnest dialogues and consultations with our stakeholders. The Sapporo Group respects the human rights of all persons involved in the business, and prohibits discrimination based on reasons from race, ethnicity, nationality, creed, gender, religion, disability, sexual orientation, and gender identity etc.

We will be further aware of the influences on human rights in the whole value chain and improve approaches to respect for human rights.

We respect the human rights specified in the International Bill of Human Rights and International Labour Organization’s “Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work.”
Should national/regional laws differ from or conflict with international human rights standards, we will seek ways to honor the principles of internationally recognized human rights to an extent possible, without violating local laws and regulations.

Scope of the Human Rights Policy

This policy applies to all officers and employees of Sapporo Group. In addition, we will make efforts to ensure our suppliers and other business partners understand this policy and expect them to comply with this policy.

Commitment to Human Rights Due Diligence

In accordance with the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, the Sapporo Group will promote approaches to identify, prevent and mitigate adverse human rights impacts that may relate to our business.
We will strive not to violate human rights ourselves and will not encourage human rights abuses by our stakeholders, including our suppliers and other business partners.
If, under human rights due diligence, it is revealed that any of our conduct has caused or promoted any adverse impact on human rights, we will make efforts to take appropriate and effective remedial action.

Explanation about Grievance Procedures

The Sapporo Group has provided the “Sapporo Group Business Ethics Hotline Regulations” so that any employee who observes a violation of applicable laws, regulations or rules of the countries and regions where we do business, or of our internal polices, including this Human Rights Policy, is encouraged to report such concerns through our whistleblowing system. We also have inquiry systems through which interested external stakeholders can notify about actions that are or might be in violation of this Policy.

Particularly Important Human Rights Issues (Priority)

  • Forced Labor and Child Labor:

    Under the laws of the countries where we do business and under the internal policies of each Group company, we are making efforts to appropriately manage personnel affairs in a regionally-oriented manner without being engaged in any forced labor or child labor.

  • Discrimination and Harassment:

    We respect diversity and the human rights of individuals. We will eliminate any discrimination and harassment based on race, ethnicity, nationality, creed, gender, religion, disability, sexual orientation, and gender identity etc., and will create a work environment where all employees are fairly treated.

  • Freedom of Association and the Right to Collective Bargaining:

    We will respect the freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations of the countries and regions where we do business. If the freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining is restricted under national/regional laws and regulations in contravention of international human rights standards, we will seek ways to honor these freedom and right by establishing alternative means of dialogue with employees.

  • Occupational Health and Safety:

    We will keep updated on laws, regulations and rules concerning health and safety in our workplace and the status of their implementation in the countries and regions where we do business, and always strive to maintain a safe and healthy work environment.

  • Working Hours and Wages:

    We will comply with all applicable laws and regulations related to working hours and wages of the countries and regions where we do business. We will work toward ensuring wages that enable our employees to meet their basic needs of living.

  • Autonomy and Challenge:

    We aim to make the most of each person's strengths, to be healthy in mind and body, and to challenge new areas autonomously with a cheerful and positive energy.

  • Education and Training:

    To implement and comply with this policy throughout Sapporo Group, Sapporo Group provides ongoing appropriate education and training on respect for human rights to all officers and employees.

  • Information Disclosure:

    Sapporo Group will disclose its progress and results of efforts to respect human rights on our corporate website and other platforms in a timely and appropriate manner.


Established: June 4, 2020
Revised: August 1, 2024
President and Representative Director of Sapporo Holdings Limited

Masaki Oga

* This policy has been developed with the approval of the Board of Directors.
